Membership Types

Full Member

A Medical Doctor, who has completed a post graduate study in Obstetrics & Gynecology profession and registered in the country, is eligible for full membership.

Associate Member

  • Residents in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Other health and non-health professionals who, in the opinion of the executive board, can contribute to sexual and reproductive health and support the society to achieve its objectives.
  • Organizations, which support the objectives of the society, may join the society as an associate member.

Honorary Member

Those, who in the opinion of the executive board may merit an honorary membership and approved by the general assembly, may join the society as honorary members.

Life Time Member

  • Full members may opt to become life members by paying a lump sum fee equivalent to 20 years subscription.
  • A life time member of the society shall be exempted from paying subsequent annual membership fees while continuing to exercise his/her rights and obligations in the society during his/her life time.