Phased-out Projects

 USAID Transform Health in Developing Regions Project:

Clinical mentorship of CEmONC services:

Objectives: to equip health care providers with the clinical knowledge, skills and attitudes to achieve competency in provision of quality of care and strengthen the capacity of health care system to improve service delivery particularly CEmONC services

Funded by: Project Hope

Project sites: 15 hospitals in Gambella, Benishangul Gumuz, Afar and Somali regions

Project period: September 19, 2019- November 31, 2020

Activities accomplished:

– Service agreement signed with Project Hope

– Sensitization workshop was conducted.

– Clinical Mentorship training was given

– Mentorship conducted

PMA-Ethiopia Project:

PMA-Ethiopia is a survey project designed to generate both cross-sectional and longitudinal data on a variety of reproductive, maternal, and newborn health indicators that can inform both national and regional governments. The project is aimed at conducting assessment of the Global Gag Rule & U.S. Funding Cuts on Sexual & Reproductive Health

Objective: to measure various reproductive health indicators through mobile phone assisted surveys in a national sample of 205 enumeration areas across selected regions in the country. The initiative uses mobile technology to monitor key family planning indicators that is being used for timely evidence-based decision making

Project period: January 1, 2020- November  30, 2021

Funded by: support from the Gates Institute of the Johns Hopkins University collaborating with the Guttmacher Institute and School of Public Health at Addis Ababa University, and Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia to implement the Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA/Ethiopia) GGR follow-up survey

Activities accomplished:

–  Conducted a GGR follow-up survey focusing on women who consented to participate in this follow-up survey during the PMA2020 round 6 survey

Qulaity Improvement in Reproductive Health Project:

Strengthening the capacity of public health facilities to improve quality of reproductive health /FP and CAC/ and reducing stigma on safe abortion care services project:

Project period: February 1, 2019 – July 31, 2021

Funded by: The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Project sites: Arsi, West Shewa and West Hararge zones in Oromia region and North Shewa and north Wollo zones in Amhara region

Objectives: Conduct low dose and high frequency FP and CAC mentorship at primary hospitals and health center clusters through task shifting mentorship to ESO, strengthen quality improvment program in RH (FP and CAC) at primary hospitals and health centers and reduce stigma on abortion care providers

Activites accomplished:

– Project approval is obtained from Federal Minsitry of Health

– Project sensitization workshop conducted

– Quality improvement training conducted

– CAC training conducted

– Mentorship training provided to mentors

PPEs were purchased and distributed to project sites in the effort to prevent Covid-19

Strengthening of Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Surgical Services and skills training at Public University Hospitals in Ethiopia:

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Health

Project sites:

Place Hospital
Adama university Adama Refferal Hospital (ARH)
Asela University Assela Refferal Hospital (ARH)
Bahir dar Univesity Bahir Dar Refferal Hospital (BDRH)
Debretabor University Debretabor Refferal Hospital (DTRH)
Haramaya University Harrar Hiwot Fana Referal Hospital (H-HFRH)
Hawassa University Hawassa Referal Hospital (HRH)
Jimma University Jimma University Hospital (JUH)
Sodo University Sodo Referral Hospital (SRH)
Wollo University Desie Referral Hospital (DRH)

Training program goal: To rollout/strengthen gynecologic Laparoscopic and hysteroscopy services and training particularly laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation in Universities with postgraduate OB-GYN programs in the country.

General objectiveTo produce competent laparoscopy/hysteroscopy surgical team that can provide sustainable gynecologic laparoscopic & hysteroscopic services, and training at target facilities with emphasis on laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation.

Specific Objectives/targets:

  • To train three ob-gyn specialists per site from respective teaching hospitals (30 in total).
  • To train at least three scrub nurses in each target hospitals.
  • To do follow up training at each site to arrive at least level II level of expertise of each trainee.
  • To do follow up visit to ensure continuity of the service for at least one month after the end   of the project on demand basis of each site

Major activities conducted:

  • Contacted target facilities and procured glutaraldehyde for the laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures.
  • Identified and contacted the appropriate candidates for the training from each target facility and ensure their commitment.
  • Conducted 18 rounds of onsite skills training for one week at 9 hospitals.

Catchment Based Clinical Mentorship Project in Selected hospitals in Amhara and Oromia regions:

Funded by: Federal Minsitry of Health

Project sites: Amhara region- North Wollo and North Shewa zones in two hospitals and six primary hospitals

Oromia region- Arsi and West Shewa zones in two general hospials an six primary hospitals

Objective:To improve quality on health care service provision through strengthening the capacity and improving the quality of the health care service delivery

Major activites accomplished:

– Conducted project orientation meeting

– Established project mentorship and technical support team

– Conducted project sensitization workshop

– Conducted catchment based clinical mentorship skill training for mentors

– Provided three round technical support mentorship for RMNCH services

– Conducted regional review meetings


USAID Transform Health in Developing Regions Project:

 Facility assessment of CEmONC services in 15 health facilities of developing regional states in Ethiopia:

 Objective: To assess the capacity and rediness of hospitals to provide comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care (CEmONC) services in the project   implementation woredas

Funded by: Project Hope

Project sites: 15 hospitals in Gambella, Benishangul Gumuz, Afar and Somali regions

Project period: February 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019

Activities accomplished:

– Assessed the capacity and readiness of hospitals in the project implementation woredas to provide CEmONC services and its nine signal functions focusing on strengths and gaps

– Assessed the competency of service providers to provide CEmONC services

– Provided a set of long and short term recommendations for each facility for improvement pertaining to areas of human resources, equipment and supplies and signal functions

Qulaity Improvement in Reproductive Health Project:

Implementing quality improvement in reproducitve health (Family Planning and Comprehensive Abortion Care) in selected hospitals and health centers of Amhara and Oromia regions and de-stigmatization of safe abortion among health care workers in Ethiopia:

Project period: 01/10/2016 to 31/07/2019

Funded by: The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Project sites: Arsi, West Shewa and West Hararge zones in Oromia region and North Shewa and north Wollo zones in Amhara region

Objective: To implement the integrated QI strategy in reproductive health among 60 health facilities in Amhara and Oromia Regions and de-stigmatization of safe abortion care among service providers

Major activities accomplished:

– Conducted project launching workshop

– Established project mentorship and technical support team

– Conducted facility baseline assessment

– Conducted quality improvement and mentorship skill training for project technical support team

– Conducted quality improvement (QI) training for FP and CAC providers

– Provided two-round technical support mentorship for quality improvement on FP and CAC services

– Conducted a research on “Health providers’ attitude and perception towards safe abortion service at selected public health facilities in Oromia and Amhara regions and Addis Ababa

– Conducted training of service providers on safe abortion service provision as far as permitted by law /comprehensive abortion care services/ for health providers

– Conducted two rounds of cluster review meetings /quality learning circle/

– Conducted training on value clarification and attitude transformation about comprehensive safe abortion care service for facility managers and MCH heads.

– Conducted supportive supervision

– Provided MVA kits

– Conducted project endline evaluation


Enhancing Medical Education and Residency Training in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ethiopia:

A. ESOG-ACOG-CIRHT Collaborative Project:

The ESOG-ACOG-CIRHT Collaborative project has come a long way and achieved a great deal since it was launched in June 2016 (It went operational in September 2016). The project which was initially structured with four interrelated thematic areas i.e. Residency program, CME, Journal and Examination & Certification has later on expanded its thematic areas with two thematic areas namely Leadership Development, Medical Ethics and two cross cutting areas i.e. IT development & Program Communication expanding the project to eight thematic areas.
Accordingly, the project has made a long stride in enhancing the ob-gyn residency programs at the twelve universities through implementing the major thematic areas activities. It has worked relentlessly in improving the ob-gyn residency training programs quality through system strengthening and building the capacity of faculty and ESOG members at large. The project has also had a significant input in upgrading the reproductive health journal in quantity and quality and has also played a leading role in providing CME course to its members. The first phase of the project ended on September 30, 2017.


Residency program:
Situational analysis
Launching of the harmonized curriculum
Monitoring and assessment of the harmonized curriculum implementation-pending report
Residency Review Committee (RRC) establishment initiated-to be finalized  and be operational
Pedagogy training to young faculty and senior residents
Program directors’ school
Residents’ procedure electronic logbook application
Situational analysis
CME aspects training to ESOG members
CME course provisions-Standalone & ESOG AC preconference CME courses
ESOG CPD guideline development
Examination & Certification:
Situational analysis
Exam item writing training to faculty
Exam blueprint development/banking training to faculty
National Residents’ in Training Exam provision-precursor of a certification exam in the long run
Psychometric analysis of the examination
Manuscript writing and research training
Increased article number and journal volume
launching of a website
Leadership development training to responsible in the ob-gyn specialty training program/department
Medical ethics:
Code of ethics document development
Training on medical ethics and medico-legal issues handling
Program Communication:
Communication Strategic plan
IT development:
CME live streaming sessions via bluejeans

B. ESOG – CIRHT Collaborative Project:

Having the same objectives and thematic areas as the phase I, the project has achieved the following:-

Residency program: 

Monitoring and assessment of the harmonized curriculum implementation-pending report
Residency Review Committee (RRC) establishment initiated-to be finalized  and be operational
Pedagogy training to young faculty and senior residents
Program directors’ school
Residents’ procedure electronic logbook application
CME course provisions-Standalone & ESOG AC preconference CME courses
Obtained accreditation as CPD Provider
Examination & Certification:
Exam item writing training to faculty
Exam blueprint development/banking training to faculty
National Residents’ in Training Exam provision
Manuscript writing training
Publishing EJRH four times per year
Research ethics training
Leadership development training to responsible in the ob-gyn specialty training program/department
Medical ethics:
Orientation on code of ethics for residents
Code of ethics is published and distributed
Program Communication:
Lanchina Lante program
IT development:
CME live streaming sessions via bluejeans

Reproductive Health Innovation Fund (RIF):

Project Period – August 1, 2016 – June 20, 2018

Administered by: The Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG) in collaboration with the Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA)

Project Site: Afar Regional State, Zone 2, 8 woredas

Funded by: The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH)

Programme Outputs and Accomplishments

Output 1: Increased uptake of culturally acceptable and appropriate RMNH Services for women and youth in program regions

  • Supported and strengthened integrated outreach health services to ensure access to RMNH services at local community level
  • Constructed culturally acceptable maternity waiting homes
  • Conducted RMNH sensitization workshop for TBAs and for FIEMA groups and religious/clan leaders and traditional healers
  • Provided capacity building (FP/RH Training)

Output 2: Improved community attitudes to RMNH needs of women and youth

Output 3: Women and girls empowered and confident to make healthy RMNH choices and access

  • Provided orientation training on National Gender Mainstreaming Manual
  • Gender Mainstreaming Manual translated & validated
  • Panel discussion conducted on gender equality and preventing Violence Against Women and Girls
  • The translated gender mainstreaming manual was traslated in Afar language

Output 4: Enhanced accountability and responsiveness of service providers to communities and women

  • CRC Training conducted
  • Orientation Training was given on Social Accountability & Responsiveness for Health Facility Management Boards
  • Wooden suggestion boxes were made available at all health centres
  • Ensured access to availability of water in the health centres


Accelerating change for the reproductive health wellbeing of women and girls:

Project period: August 26, 2016 – March 31, 2017

Funded by: Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

Project location: countrywide

Objective: Improving access to clinical management of FGM/C complications and strengthening community awareness of FGM and its complications

Major activities accomplished:

– A consultative workshop was conducted on FGM attended by House of Representatives of FDRE, FMOH, RHBs, FBOs, professional associations and Deputy Director for Mission of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ethiopia.

– IEC/BCC activities were carried out. Five 30 minutes long radio interviews were aired on Ethiopian Radio on ESOG’s weekly radio show ‘Lanchina Lante’. Posters were prepared on complications of FGM/C

– Three rounds of trainings on prevention and management of FGM/C and its complications were conducted using the national curriculum developed by FMOH.


Expanding PMTCT Services in Private Health Institutions in Ethiopia Project:

Administered by: ESOG, Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau, Ethiopian Public Health Association, John Hopkins University and private health facilities

Launched in: 2007/8, ended in October 2016

Funded by: US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in accordance with the ESOG-CDC Cooperative Agreement.

Started under: COP2010, ESOG became a direct CDC grantee and in 2011

In Collaboration with: Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs), HAPCO, PFSA, partner governmental & non-governmental organizations in the country and private health institutions.

Project Sites: The number of target facilities supported by the project and providing the standard PMTCT services based on the Option B+ approach is 78 in seven regions of the country. These regions are Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR, Dire Dawa, Harari and Somali regions.

Objective:  To contribute to the reduction of HIV transmission with extensive training and promoting wide application of the recommended PMTCT intervention strategies in the private health sector which increasingly are becoming important allies in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Major Activities Accomplished: 

  • Baseline assessment
  • Ensured adequate and timely availability of HIV rapid kits, ARV for PMTCT and DBS sample collection kits.
  • Joint (ESOG and RHBs) supportive supervisions and catchment area review meetings conducted in all target regions biannually.
  • Basic PMTCT Training, DBS training and update training on option B+ of health care providers conducted to address the dynamics of trained professional in the private facilities
  • Conducted TOT training on PMTCT in collaboration with FMOH and WHO country office to facilitate the scale up PMTCT and to rollout the revised PMTCT guideline.
  • ToT on mother baby pair cohort follow up and continuous quality improvement (CQI) approach was provided for 56 staff health providers from project supported facilities in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health. The trainings were given to strengthen option B+ PMTCT service data management system and to improve quality of PMTCT service. Mother baby pair cohort follow up registers were distributed to all supported facilities, cascaded to all target regions and their implementation was followed up.
  • Provided technical support to FMOH and RHBs in expanding/strengthening and improving quality of PMTCT/MNCH/FP services in the country


Performance assessment of Emergency Surgical Officers (ESOs) deployed at 97 Primary Hospitals in Ethiopia (Strengthening CEmONC at the facility level supporting Integrated Emergency surgery MSC Program):

Objective: To provide an in-depth performance assessment of CEmONC services provided by Emergency Surgical Officers deployed at the Primary/District hospitals of the country and inform the national IESO program, for quality improvements of CEmONC service.

Project sites:

 The project sites were 97 facilities located in all regions of the country except Addis Ababa & Dire Dawa Administration. The regional distribution of facilities is shown in the following table.

SN Region Number of facilities
1 Oromiya 31
2 Tigray 24
3 SNNP 18
4 Amhara 17
5 Somali 3
6 Benishangul Gumuz 2
7 Gambella 1
8 Harari 1
Total 97


Major activities accomplished:

Assessment was carried out from July 27 up to December 10/2015 in two rounds. The assessment was carried out in all sites except one site found where there was no assigned ESO at all. 29 clinicians (21 Obstetricians and 8 surgeons) and 29 PHS were involved in the data collection. The assessment report was submitted to Federal Ministry of Health and endorsement is still being awaited. After the report is endorsed, it will be publised and dissemination workshop conducted.


Improving Maternal and Newborn Health Project at two Regions of Ethiopia:

Funded by: Department of Gynecology, Martin Luther University (MLU) in Halle an der Saale Under supervision of the Working Group on International women’s Health (AG FIDE) of German Society of Obstetricinas and Gynecologists of Germany

Project Period: January 1, 2014 to July 31, 2016

Objective: To improve maternal and newborn health by increasing quality and accessiblity of Essential Services

Project sites: Butajira Zonal Hospital and Bishoftu Zonal Hospital

Major Activities Accomplised:

– Baseline assessment conducted

– Operationalization of Community Based Technical Team

– Documentation and reporting of MNH vital statistics

– Provided Integrated Refresher Training to Health Extension Workers

– Developed and distributed IEC/BCC materials

– Procured and dsitributed medical supplies

– Carried out community mobilization actvities

– Conducted monitoring and evaluation

– Conducted project endline assessment


Sexual Assault Clinical Outreach Project:

Objective– to improve the delivery of integrated and quality of care for survivors of sexual violence.

Project Period: January 2013-December 2015.

Funded by: UNFPA

Major activities accomplished:

  • Training on care for survivors of sexual violnce were conducted.
  • Mekelle, Gondar and Jimma Model Clinics were established to provide care for survivors of sexual assault in Ethiopia were handed over to the hospitals administration when the project phased out.
  • Standard operating procedure on response and prevention of sexual violence was developed and published.
  • Outreach campaigns were undertaken where UVP surgeries and cervical cancer screening were performed.


Women and Their Children’s Health (WATCH) Project:

WATCH project was funded through the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) and managed by Plan International Canada working through partnering with Plan International Ethiopia, Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) and Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG). WATCH project used a community-based approach to improve the quality of community outreach and MNCH services, while encouraging health-seeking behaviors and improved health care management to reduce the three delays for patients to seek care and to save the lives of more mothers and their children.

WATCH project was implemented in 8 rural districts in three regions namely: Amhara Region: Lasta, Bugena and Meket districts; Oromia Region; Tiro Afeta & Kersa districts and SNNPR Region: Shebedino, Gorche and Bona Zuria districts. The project was implemented from November 2011 to April 2015.

The major activities accomplished during the implementation of the project were:

  • Two ESOG board members travel to Canada for WATCH Project Orientation meeting.
  • ToT training on ALARM International Program for ESOG members.
  • BEmONC needs assessment at 48 health centers.
  • A three-day BEmONC sensitization workshop for health administrators conducted to create an enabling environment for BEmONC service at the ground level.
  • Follow up meeting on BEmONC with health administrators.
  • CEmONC focal persons were also recruited for each of the three regions. The CEmONC focal persons are ESOG members who oversee that referrals are occurring in a timely and efficient manner between BEmONC and CEmONC facilities.
  • Training of 167 mid-level health care providers on BEmONC.
  • Five rounds of quarterly supportive supervision were carried out.
  • Meeting with CEmONC focal persons.
  • Five types of BEmONC related posters were developed and distributed to health centers.

After all these efforts, health care providers are managing complications that were previously referred. Project monitoring trends indicated increases in usage of MNCH services (i.e. four antenatal visits and/or delivery with a skilled birth attendant).


FIGO LOGIC Initiative in MNH Project:

The goal of FIGO-LOGIC Initiative in MNH Project was to improve policy and practice by strengthening Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and using its position and knowledge to facilitate and contribute to these improvements, leading to better MNH for under-served populations in Ethiopia. The project was funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) during the period of November 2009 to October 2013.

Major Performances of the project during the project period were establishing working groups of health professionals and other partners working on MNCH in Ethiopia. The group conducted meetings every six months, and twelve organizations represented and conducted 11 regular meetings and discussed on the current MNH affairs and each organization presented its best practices. By the help of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada an organizational capacity building framework and plan were developed and implemented.

Under the project, a weekly FM radio broadcast and articles in private newspaper were posted. Birth and death registration in eight public hospitals were conducted. Regarding maternal death and near miss case, reviewing standard and structured questionnaire were developed and used to collect data. Hospitals started completing the tools since May 2011, preliminary (six months) and final paper (18 months) produced and findings communicated at different events. Maternal Death Review Ethiopian Initial Experiences Sharing Workshop was conducted in Addis Ababa and people from five African Countries which also implemented the FIGO-LOGIC project participated in the workshop. In addition, regional health bureaus and other partners attended the experience sharing workshop.

In addition, provision of technical update training for health professionals was conducted for 2 consecutive years. Changes and improvements were observed as a result of maternal death review processes like formal deaths and near miss review is in place, relatively complete information kept in client or patient card, improved patient card retrieval system and good documentation of MDR process was developed and implemented. Services are available 24/7 in all facilities. In the health facilities oral referrals are minimized. These hospitals have improved linkage and give supervision to health centers. Moreover, feedbacks are given to referring health centers, and there are decreased unnecessary referrals. Project mid-term review was conducted by external independent consultants on all physical and financial project status.

Challenges faced in conducting maternal death review were vital. Moreover, MNH statistics registration is incomplete and there is difficulty of requiring information near or at the time of maternal death. There is also inaccurate measurement of medical causes of deaths and near misses, and fear of being judged. The other challenges are demanding workload and women were afraid to tell their stories.


Sexual Violence against Women Project:

The objective is to improve the delivery of integrated and quality of care for survivors of sexual violence. It was funded by UNFPA. The project was started in April 2009 and ended in May 2012. Activities accomplished include: Two model clinics were established providing services to survivors of sexual assault at Adama & Hawassa Hospitals, health care providers are trained on care for survivors of sexual assault, nationalization of training manual developed by ESOG on care for survivors of sexual assault, inclusion of GBV in the medical school curricula is successful, monitoring and evaluation conducted and purchase of medical equipments and supplies to the model clinics undertaken.


Magnesium Sulphate use for prevention of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia related mortality in Ethiopia:

The objective of the project was to contribute towards the reduction of maternal mortality by introducing Mgso4 in all public hospitals in Ethiopia. The project was funded by UNICEF. The partners are UNICEF, Federal Ministry of Health, Pharmaceutical Fund Supply Agency and Emory University. The project started in April 2009 and ended in July 2011. The activities accomplished include training of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, an advocacy on magnesium sulphate at the ESOG 2010 annual conference through a program on “MgSO4 Day” was undertaken, training to General Practitioners, Health Officers & midwifes given at the local chapters of ESOG and Addis Ababa, data collection in 24 hospitals selected for audit and distribution of Mgso4 drug.


Saving Mothers and Newborns at two regions of Ethiopia (Amhara and Oromia)-Fiche Hospital, Debre Markos Hospital, Ejere Health Center and Bichena Health Center:

The objective of the project was expanding and strengthening maternal and newborn care. The project is funded by FIDE, Germany and the partners are Regional Health Bureaus and Zonal Health Departments. The project sites are from Amhara region-East Gojam Zone-Debremarkos Hospital and Bichena Health Center and from Oromiya Region North Shewa Zone-Fiche Hospital and Ejerie Health Center. The project started in January 2009 and ended in June 2012.

The major activities accomplished include: Technical update and skill standardization training, training of providers at zonal hospitals and referral health centers to conduct near miss audit. Blood bank is established in Debremarkos and Fiche Hospitals. Community mobilization activities were undertaken, supportive supervision activities were performed. End line survey was conducted.


Improving Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Services in Ethiopia:

Objective: To contribute towards the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality through provision of quality comprehensive emergency and obstetric and newborn care services

Funder: Federal Ministry of Health

Project period: November 2010 – June 2011

Project Sites:

1 Shire Hospital
2 Finote Selam Hospital
3 Gimbi Hospital
4 Deder Hospital
5 Yirgalem Hospital
6 Abi Adi Hospital
7 Lalibela Hospital
8 Kuyu Hospital
9 Gambela Hospital
10 Dupti Hospital
11 Tefera Hailu Memorial Hospital
12 Hidar 12 Hospital
13 Gindeberet Hospital
14 Degehabour Hospital
15 Debre Tabor Hospital
16 Robe Didea Hospital
17 Chiro Hospital
18 Durame Hospital
19 Enat Hospital
20 Tercha Hospital
21 Gida Ayana Hospital


Activities Accomplished:

– Twenty one full time Obstetricinas and Gynecologists recruited, trained and employed for six months to provide training and mentorship before they were deployed to the hospitals of their assignment.

– Three rounds of trainings were conducted where 41 trainees (GPs and Health Officers) completed the training successfully.

– More than 23,315 mothers received OBGYN services.


Safe Motherhood and RH Project:

The major objective is to improve the availability, accessibility, quality and use of basic obstetric care and family planning services. The project is in Hadiya Zone of SNNPR and funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. The partners are Ethiopian Midwives Association and Zonal Health Bureau & Woreda Health Bureaus. The project started in April 2008 and ended in September 2011.

Major activities accomplished include; Training on family planning & Emergency Obstetric and Newborn care were conducted. Community mobilization activities were undertaken & supply of appropriate medical equipment and supplies to the project sites undertaken.


Ensuring sustainability of the model clinic of victims of sexual violence and strengthening collaboration against sexual violence:

It aims to improve sexual violence related health, legal and social services in Addis Ababa. It started at the end of 2007 and ended in August 2010. UNFPA financed the project Gandhi Memorial Hospital and Addis Ababa legal system were project site partners.


Strengthening and expansion of service provision at the model clinic and nationalization of ESOG’s guidelines on comprehensive management for survivors of sexual assault:

The objective of the project is to improve sexual gender based violence related health, legal and social services in Ethiopia. Family Health Department of Federal Ministry of Health worked in collaboration with the society. It was financed by Population Council. It was started in November 2007 and completed in March 2009. Project successfully completed and achieved the major activity of providing the country with a national guideline for management of survivors of sexual assault.


ESOG-Venture Strategies Post-Partum Hemorrhage Prevention Initiative:

It aimed to expand Misoprostol knowledge and provision by developing national guideline on active management of third stage of labor (AMTSL) with Misoprostol and by inclusion of Misoprostol use during Active Management of Third Stage of Labor for prevention and treatment of Post-Partum Hemorrhage in mid-level health training school’s curricula. Ministry of Health and Venture Strategies for Health and Development are the major collaborators. It was funded by Venture Strategies for Health Development.


Saving Mothers and Newborns Initiative:

It aimed to improve basic emergency obstetric and newborn care. It was started in 2007 and completed in Dec 2008. The project is funded by ACCESS-USAID. Project site partners were Ambo hospital and its referring 10 health centers.


 Prevention of Post-Partum Hemorrhage Initiative (POPPHI):  

This was a regional survey on the management of the third stage of labor which is conducted in collaboration with Family Health Department, Ministry of Health. It was carried out from 2006-2007. The aim of the study was to provide the descriptive information necessary to assess current practices regarding Active Management of Third Stage of Labor and to identify major barriers to its use. A complementary component of the study includes a qualitative assessment of perceptions and practices with regard to serious post-partum bleeding in home births. The secondary aim was to provide public domain tools for future monitoring activities. The projects sites were 10 health professional training institutions and 6 health facilities located in Tigray, Dire Dawa and Harari regions.


Save the Mothers and RH Project:

The project was a three-year project implemented from 2004-2007. It was aimed at improving access to life saving procedures and ensure skilled care at delivery, demonstrate ways and means of increasing use of injectable contraceptives by involving junior health personnel at health post level in two regions, make use of the results of the study to influence policy makers and managers on ways of expanding FP utilization with special emphasis on injectables, to build support to influence policy on sexual and reproductive rights including abortion services and orient women on family law including the revised law on abortion.


Mainstreaming emergency contraception in to public sector:

Its objective is familiarization of Emergency Contraception in the country by using the dedicated products (progestin only preparation). It has been implemented in the project sites of 5 regions of the country, in 37 health institutions. It was funded by African Forum on Emergency Contraception (EC Afrique). Federal Ministry of Health & Regional Health Bureaus were the collaborators of the project. It was completed at the beginning of 2008.


Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Project: 

A two-year project from 2004- 2006. It was aimed at raising awareness of stakeholders and members alike, develop a national code of ethics on sexual and reproductive health and subsequently introduce same into medical curricula of post graduate studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology and undergraduate studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology and undergraduate medical students. In addition, it increased public awareness on the problem of unsafe abortion and made sure that unsafe abortion remains in the public agenda by involving the media. The project was implemented with Federal Minisitry of Health and FIGO.


Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor (AMTSL):

A project implemented from February 2003 – June 2004 launched in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health Ethiopia and IntraHealth-International. The project focused on reduction of maternal mortality and morbidity through preventing the occurrence of Post Partum Hemorrhage by the universal application of active management of third stage of labor.


Save the Mothers Initiative (SMI):
The first project of ESOG. A five years pilot project carried out from 1998 to 2004 in collaboration with FIGO and Swedish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The major aim of the project was availing Emergency Obstetric Care services to rural women. Project site is Ambo town in West Shoa zone, 125 KM west of Addis Ababa.



Consultancy for Research


Prevention of Unsafe Abortion Initiative (Situational Analysis):

Ipas funded the project and FIGO is a collaborator with the Society.

Health Professionals Survey on Health System Cost of Unsafe Abortion:

Its objective was to increase awareness and provide evidence on health system cost of unsafe abortion for advocacy and evidence based policy action. The site of project sampled public and private health facilities and it was funded by Ipas Ethiopia. FMoH and Ethiopian Public Health Association were the collaborators. It started in November 2007 and completed.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM):

The Society in collaboration with Care Ethiopia conducted an institutional capacity assessment to provide care for complications of FGM and development of training material for management of these complications.

Developing Training Manual for Comprehensive Abortion Care: 

Its objective was to standardize and increase quality of training on comprehensive abortion care. The project was undertaken by FMoH, Ipas Ethiopia and Engender Health Ethiopia.