Underway Projects

Project title:

The use of affordable, non-invasive technology to determine the risk of CPD across duration of pregnancy in Ethiopia: Nationwide study


General objective , To perform a  nationwide study to validate whether these two CPD risk assessment tools (i) a 3D Structure camera-, and (ii) tape measurement- based anthropometry can accurately predict CPD based on measurements made from 12- weeks to 42-weeks of gestation, in different regions in Ethiopia.

Specific objectives

Perform a blinded, prospective observational study to develop and validate the predictive capability of 3D camera- and tape measure-based anthropometry CPD risk scores across 6 geographic regions in Ethiopia.

Perform inter- and intra-user variability, usability, and participant acceptability studies to quantify and improve the accuracy, precision, usability, and participant acceptability of the 3D camera and tape measurement-based tools.

Project period: April 2021- March 2026

Project sites: Addis Abeba  at Tikur Anbessa Specialized hoapital and Girar Health center

Harari region at Hiwot Fana referral hospital and Arategna health center

Funded by:  support for this project is from Georgia institute of Technology and  the  US National Institute of Health (NIH)

Activities accomplished so far

 – Data quality checking

– Currently 2,197 (70%) of study subjects are recruited.

– personnel Recruitment and timely financial management

– Facility preparation and availing material and supplies

– Coordinating facility visits and mgt of activities/ regular financial and technical reports to funding agency/

Project title:

The use of low cost, non-invasive technology to determine the risk of preeclampsia at 12-24 weeks of pregnancy in Ethiopia.


General Objective : To perform a prospective observational study to assess risk of pre-eclampsia based on hemodynamics measures and circulation biomarkers at 12-24 weeks and validate two low-cost tools diagnostic tools to assess pre-eclampsia risk. The specific objectives are to:

Specific objectives  

  1. Quantify changes in maternal blood flow and blood pressure waveforms (hemodynamics) across the major vessels of the maternal vasculature from 12-40 weeks of gestation, using ultrasound, echocardiography, applanation tonometry and fluid mechanics computational modeling and to assess risk of preeclampsia based on blood pressure waveform measurements at 12-24 weeks.
  2. Quantify changes in circulating blood plasma biomarkers of preeclampsia from 12-40 weeks of gestation and develop to assess risk of preeclampsia at 12-24 weeks based on blood plasma markers alone, or in parallel with hemodynamic measures.
  3. Validate a novel low-cost blood pressure pulse wave tonometry device, based on photoplethysmogram (PPG), which is currently used in pulse oxygimeter devices.

Project period: July 2022- July 2025

Project sites: Addis Abeba  at Teklehaymanot and Girar Health center

Funded by:  support for this project is from Georgia institute of Technology and  the  US National Institute of Health (NIH)

Activities accomplished so far


– Data quality checking

– Sample size: 400 subjects /Currently 290 study subjects enrolled/

we are collecting maternal characteristics, echocardiography, Doppler ultrasound, flow-mediated dilation, applanation tonometry, blood samples for seven potential biomarkers


– personnel Recruitment and timely financial management

– Facility preparation and availing material and supplies

– Coordinating facility visits and mgt of activities/ regular financial and technical reports to funding agency

Project title:

Strengthening the capacity and improving quality of Reproductive Health and reducing stigma on safe abortion care providers’ project:


Preventing Maternal Mortality from Obstructed Labor :
Objective: Perform a prospective longitudinal study to develop and vailidate the predictive capacity of SPD risk scores over 12-42 weeks of gestation accross 6 regions in Ethiopia, introduce minimally-viable products (MVPs) into clinical use in 6 rural health centers and quantify facilities readiness, easy-to-use, beneficiary acceptability, and barriers to follow-up from mothers with high risk
Funded by: National Institute of Health (NIH)
Project Period: 04/15/2021 – 03/31/02026
Activities conducted so far:
Data collection on CPD is underway

Meri Leadership and Mentorship Program:

Objective:To empower women and cultivate future women leaders

Project period: January 1, 2019- December 31, 2022

Funded by: Federal Minsitry of Health

Activities accomplished so far:

–  Announcment of bid to select leadership firm, Earuyan Solutions and Trading PLC is selected

–  Partnered with Earuyan Solutions Consultancy and Training PLC for the design, organization and hosting of the Meri leadership and mentorshipprogram for young underserved women in Ethiopia

– Program launch event conducted

– Leadership trainings are conducted in 12 sessions